moving home safely
Tips & tricks

Keep your new home safe and secure

Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but don't forget to ensure it's safe and secure. We've pulled together some top tips to help get you started.

Change the locks

It’s an exciting feeling when you finally get those keys in your hands but are you sure they’re the only set? The previous owner could still have a copy and so could any number of their friends, relatives, neighbours and service providers. Give yourself some peace of mind and organise a locksmith to attend on moving day to switch out all the locks.

Install an alarm

Research shows that security devices such as burglar alarms are effective in reducing the risk of burglary. There are multiple options available so you can easily find one that meets both your needs and your budget. Once you have an alarm system installed, make sure you put signage on your gate and in your windows as these alone will act as an extra deterrent to burglars.

Consider a video doorbell

Did you know that many burglars will ring the bell first to see if anyone is home? A video doorbell will allow you to see who’s at the door before you answer it. You can even purchase doorbells that allow you to see, hear and speak to the visitor from anywhere, making it seem like you’re home even when you aren’t.

Install security lights 

This will provide an added sense of security, especially at night. Burglars will be put off if their movements are lit up for all to see. Make sure to install the lighting on the front, back and sides of your home, especially in areas where it would be easy to hide. This way, if a light goes off outside during the night, you can properly investigate. Besides being an extra security measure, these lights are also an economical and energy efficient way of lighting the outside of your home.

Smoke alarms

Tasmania has one of the highest fire fatality rates per capita in Australia. If you’ve purchased an older home which doesn't have a hard-wired smoke alarm system, make sure there are smoke alarms in each bedroom, hallway and living area, and that they’re correctly installed, clean and in full working order. All smoke alarms have a 'use by' date of 10 years, so if you are buying an older home, make sure the alarms are still in date. If in doubt, it’s safest to replace them.

Fire extinguishers/blankets

While new furniture might be high on your list of things to buy for your new home, don’t underestimate the importance of purchasing fire extinguishers and blankets. It’s a simple thing to do and can mean the difference between a close call and widespread damage. 

Plan your escape

Did you know only 40% of households have an emergency evacuation plan set up in case of a house fire? Now is the time to put a plan in place. Make sure the whole family knows what to do and where to go if the smoke alarm goes off. This helpful factsheet from the TFS explains how to design your home fire escape plan.

Take an inventory

Moving day is the perfect time to take an inventory of all of your contents to make sure you have adequate coverage. As you're unpacking, take some photos or make a list so you know exactly what you have and what the replacement value would be. Make a record of any new items you might have purchased to furnish your new home or to stock up the garden shed. This handy contents calculator can help you calculate the cover you require.

Before buying insurance issued by RACT Insurance Pty Ltd (ABN 96 068 167 804, AFS licence 229 076) you should read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which you can find along with the Target Market Determination (TMD) on our Insurance Documents page.