
Protect your phone and enjoy peace of mind while travelling

Smartphones have become our essential travel companions, helping us stay connected, navigate new places, and capture memories. However, travelling with your smartphone also means risking it getting lost, stolen, or damaged. Keeping your phone safe is crucial.

Here are our top tips to protect your phone:

Consider a travel phone
If your budget allows, think about getting a basic phone for your trip. It’s especially useful if you’re using a local SIM card. This way, you won't worry as much if it gets lost or stolen. Always buy from a reputable retailer.

Keep your phone secure
Always store your phone in the same secure location, such as a specific pocket or your carry-on luggage. Never leave it in your checked baggage, and always take it with you, even when leaving your hotel room.

Use strong passwords and authentication
Set a strong password and enable two-factor authentication on apps with sensitive information, like banking apps. This adds an extra layer of security if your phone is lost or stolen.

Disable auto-connect for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Turn off auto-connect features for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. This prevents your phone from connecting to insecure networks or devices without your knowledge.

Enable find my device
Activate "Find My Device" on your phone. This feature allows you to track your phone’s location, lock it remotely, or erase its data if it’s lost or stolen.

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With RACT Travel Insurance, you can focus on immersing yourself in the adventure, savouring new cuisines, and capturing unforgettable memories, rather than worrying about your phone.

Discover more about RACT Travel Insurance today!