Tips & tricks

How to keep your home safe these holidays

Published | 11 July 2024

As the winter school holidays approach, many Tasmanians are gearing up for trips both near and far. Whether you're planning to explore interstate or enjoy a local getaway, it's crucial to ensure your home is secure while you're away. RACT, Tasmania’s only locally owned general insurer, is here to help with some simple yet effective home security tips.

Understanding the risks

A recent survey of 600 Tasmanians by RACT revealed some concerning trends:

  • 26% of Tasmanians don’t always lock up their homes when leaving for a short period.

  • 20% leave their cars unlocked when parked at home.

  • 11% leave spare house keys outside, often under doormats or pot plants.

With Tasmania Police reporting a 34% increase in burglaries between 2021-22 and 2022-23, and a further 6% increase in 2023-24, it’s more important than ever to take proactive steps to protect your home.

Top tips for home security
  1. Secure all entry points: Before leaving make sure to lock doors, windows, garages, and sheds. This simple step can significantly reduce the chances of a break-in.

  2. Avoid hiding spare keys outside: Thieves know the common hiding spots. Leave spare keys with a trusted friend, relative or neighbour instead.

  3. Be mindful of social media: Avoid sharing travel plans on public social media accounts to prevent alerting potential burglars of your absence.

  4. Consider using smart home technology: Modern security systems, including surveillance cameras and alarm systems, can be monitored via smartphones, providing alerts and the ability to turn lights on and off remotely to give the appearance of occupancy.

Stay informed and prepared

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure your home remains safe and secure during the school holidays.

Enjoy your holiday with peace of mind, knowing that your home is well-protected.