Budgeting tips from our members
Stretching the family budget further during the year can help take the pressure off when special events come around, like weddings or holidays. Our members shared some of their best budget hacks with us. Here are our picks.
Plan ahead. Check the supermarket catalogues online before you hit the shops so you can spot weekly specials on your favourite items. Pre-planning meals, buying in bulk when you can, freezing excess bread and meat and making your own lunches all rate a mention.
Be rewarded. Making the most of rewards programs to save extra and earn bonus dollars is a member favourite. Signing up to supermarket rewards cards and remembering to use petrol discounts, such as the 6c per litre off at United for RACT members, all makes a difference. They also recommend pre-purchasing Woolworths Store eGift Cards via your RACT online account to save an extra 4% at the Woolies checkout.
Stay focused. It sounds boring and strict, but self-control means savings. Our members’ easy ideas can help keep you on track. Firstly, write a shopping list and stick to it. This can be even easier if you order online, as it avoids temptation in the aisles. Similarly, they suggest grocery shopping on a full stomach. If you’re well fed before you shop, you can keep your mind on filling the trolley rather than filling your belly.
Be creative. Try planting your own vegies and herbs. A bunch of parsley might set you back $3-4 – a packet of parsley seeds will spread those dollars a lot further. A DIY garden can be a great weekend activity with the kids, too. It’s fun, educational, and can result in some great-tasting and low-cost produce for you to enjoy as a family.
For even more handy ways to save, check out our full list of member rewards.