Our community

Youth in the spotlight this National Road Safety Week

This year’s National Road Safety Week left a significant imprint on Tasmanians, with RACT leading several initiatives that brought the community together to reflect on, and improve, road safety.

A central feature of the week was the unveiling of a stark installation in Hobart, which featured a crashed car as if it were in situ following a traumatic crash. Positioned against the city’s waterfront, this confronting exhibit drew public attention to the devastating consequences of road trauma, urging onlookers to reassess their driving behaviours and strive for safer roads.

Iconic landmarks, including MyState Bank Arena and the Tasman Bridge, were illuminated in yellow throughout National Road Safety Week, serving as poignant reminders of the lives tragically lost on our roads.

RACT further engaged Tasmania’s youth through an interactive event at MyState Arena, which included educational activities like a distracted driving course, and breathalyser testing from Tasmania Police.

These activities not only demonstrated the effects of impairment and distraction on driving, but also emphasised our commitment to integrating road safety education into all Tasmanian secondary schools, equipping young drivers with necessary awareness and skills from the outset.

We also hosted free sessions in libraries across the state, focusing on clarifying five commonly misunderstood road rules. Run by members of our Community team, these sessions helped demystify aspects of road safety, enhancing community understanding.

The week’s events were crucial in conveying RACT’s message that driving safely protects everyone on the road. It’s clear initiatives like these are vital in continuing the dialogue on road safety and making tangible changes that will save lives.