Woman putting dog in the back of a car
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Car Medic: spring 2024

Tim Jardine, patrol team leader, shares some expert tips to help keep your car clean and retain its value.

Q. With pets and kids, my car is always a mess. Any tips?

A. Those of us blessed with dogs and children know the joy they bring. This joy is often offset with a lot of mess. Here’s some tips:

  • A cargo barrier can be invaluable in confining dogs to that space. This not only minimises the area to be cleaned, but also prevents damage to your car’s interior.  Additionally, your pup will have no access to the keys or door locks, preventing any accidental locking of the vehicle.

  • Rubber mats and seat covers are a great investment. They are removable, making them easier to clean than your upholstery. 

  • Wipe up spills and collect discarded food items as soon as possible to prevent a sticky surprise in the future. When sugary drinks, coffee etc are spilt on switches it can make them inoperable in the future.

  • Rear seat bases can often be easily removed to allow cleaning underneath, frequently revealing your child’s treasure trove of lost toys and food items.