Our community

Braving the cold, braving the conversation

As a partner of SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY, RACT will proudly be baring our legs later this month for Shorts Day on 21 June, in support of raising awareness for mental health.

“Just as wearing shorts might be uncomfortable when it’s cold, starting a conversation about mental health can also be challenging. Shorts Day was created to empower Tasmanians to don a pair of shorts on the shortest day of the year as a visual reminder of the importance of starting the conversation even if it’s a bit uncomfortable,” SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY founder Mitch McPherson says.

RACT’s engagement goes beyond a fashion statement; it’s a commitment to fostering a supportive workplace and community, emphasising the importance of mental wellbeing.

“We’re honoured to partner with an organisation that promotes the importance of discussing mental health issues, seeking help and fostering mutual support,” RACT Chief Experience Officer, Karla Wasinski, says.

“As the state’s largest member organisation, we’re committed to improving the lives of Tasmanians, and through our work with SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY, we’ve enabled both our members and staff to access tips on improving mental health and encouraging everyone to check in with those around them.”

As we brave the cold in our shorts, we’re building a warmer, more understanding Tasmania where mental health is openly discussed and supported.

Breaking the stigma

Join us in breaking the ice on mental health this winter.