Member value

Everyday savings: Save on essentials

Use your exclusive member savings to help with life's essentials, from preparing for your next road trip to cutting the cost of your next grocery shop.

Get road-trip-ready

Prepare for any adventure on the road with car care essentials from Repco.

Save 5% all year, plus member exclusive offers.

Grocery savings

Save more every day on your shopping with Woolworths Group eGift cards. Choose from Everyday WISH, Woolworths, BIG W and more to save extra on your essential purchases.

Save up to 5%.

Save on big brands

Treat yourself or a loved one with an eGift card. With savings from over 30 major retailers there’s something for everyone.

Save up to 10% on eGift cards.

Stay cool

Keep your family cool this summer by making sure you regularly service your heat pump.

Save 10% on heat pump servicing with Parr's Heat Pump and Refrigeration Centre.

Go solar

Thinking about switching to solar? I Want Energy can help with all your solar and renewable energy questions.

Get a free Australian-made CATCH Power unit when purchasing a new solar system.