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Time to consider new ways of getting to work in 2023

With many commuters about to return to work, we're asking Tasmanians to consider new ways to get to the office in 2023.

Published | 10 January 2023

“For many the return to work brings with it the stresses and strains of days-to-day life, for many, there’s one thing we can change to ease the pain of a commute and help to reduce pressure on our roads,” RACT Chief Advocacy Officer Garry Bailey said.

“What we’re saying to motorists as they contemplate a return to work and their regular commuting regime is why not think about whether you really need to take the car, and do your bit to reduce congestion in our cities.”

With the latest Commonwealth figures forecasting Tasmania’s population to reach 647,000 in 2032-33, we think there’s a need for new thinking on how we commute to work.

“While more Tasmanians brings many great benefits to our state, it also has its challenges, with far greater transport challenges, including increasing vehicle emissions.”

Mr Bailey said working from home and staggered working hours can also ease the burden on our roads.

“However not all of us can have the ability to work from home, so why not take the opportunity of a new year and look at alternative transport options for the commute,” Mr Bailey said.

“Our cities have good public transport options, so why not give the bus a try, for many it will not be since school that they caught a bus and jumping on a Metro bus can be a revelation – they are clean, efficient and cheaper than taking a car, with no parking problems.

“Others can have the joy of a ferry ride across the Derwent with the new services being a roaring success for a reason – it’s a relaxing and enjoyable way to get to work.

“The sooner we get an integrated ticketing system and real-time information for public transport users, the more likely we are to make buses a viable option for more commuters,” Mr Bailey said.

Mr Bailey also highlighted e-scooters were increasing in popularity and along with riding a bike or even the healthiest option - walking to work - being a great way to start the day.