Children using their tablet devices.

Primary school students hub

Let's explore road safety and have some fun at the same time. On this page you'll find information about our education programs, videos, quizzes, word finds and even science experiments!


An interactive program designed to encourage children to think about safe ways to travel in the car and when crossing the road. Children will experience a group reading of YIPPEE! and be given a copy of the rhyming book to take home and share with their family.

We also incorporate play-based learning into the session using traffic lights, road signs and a zebra crossing to further develop those importance road safety skills.


This classroom-based program is designed for Grade 3 and 4 students and uses a range of learning tools to work through four learning modules including how to be a safe passenger and pedestrian, how to be safe when riding a bike scooter or skateboard and what the road signs are telling us.

Students and teachers are given a unique username and password to continue working through the remaining modules after the 1 hour session.

This road safety initiative is proudly supported by the Tasmanian Government.

Tas Gov and RSAC logos