Audi SUV driving along coastal road

Advocating Change

We advocate for positive changes in our community and are always looking for ways to make getting around cheaper, safer, easier and more sustainable.

Improving transport for all Tasmanians

As part of our advocacy priorities, we're focusing on two key areas: road safety and transport.

Road safety has been an issue in Tasmania for some time, which is why we're calling for new approaches to reduce road trauma. This includes not just safer roads and cars, but improved management of speed limits, more enforcement and improved driver behaviour.

Our focus on transport will address traffic congestion, transport costs and sustainability through increased uptake of public transport, cycling, walking and improved technologies. We will also work to keep fuel prices down.

Read about our priorities below.

Road safety

We want all road users to feel safe. We advocate for safer cars, better roads and well-educated drivers.


We're finding ways to make transport more sustainable, affordable and efficient for all Tasmanians

Got a road safety or transport issue you'd like to raise?

Get in touch