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Child Safety

We not only offer a number of education programs about child safety, but we've found some tips and tricks for keeping children safe as they grow.

Service updates

For the safety of our staff, please ensure that your car and car seat are clean. Our fitters have the right to refuse to fit any seat if the car seat and/or area it is being fitted into is not clear from rubbish and/or is visibly soiled.


We'll help keep your loved ones safe


This program is a tool for primary school teachers to explore road safety with students. Being a first for Tasmania, this online resource has a range of different learning tools using videos, activities and quizzes to spark discussions. It gives children in Grades 3 and 4 an opportunity to check road rules and learn more about road safety. It also helps schools check for any knowledge gaps and start to address them.

Students and teachers are given a unique username and password to access the program, where they can work through each of the four modules. Teachers are also given access to a separate dashboard that allows them an overview of their class's progress. From this they can look for areas that need more attention. Register here.

Already got a log-in? You can access RoadSafe here.

Car seats

Keep your children safe with a seat that is fitted well to your car and child. We fit car seats at our Hobart and Launceston locations. Call 13 27 22 to make a booking or go to our Child Seat page to read more.

Ready for an adult seatbelt?

Seatbelts are made for people that are at least 145cm tall, so it's important that we don't move children out of a booster seat until they're ready. Although the legal age is 7, we'll tell you to keep children out of the front seat for as long as possible. If you have to place a child in the front seat, move the seat as far away from the airbag as possible.

Three-step check:

If you're considering moving your child out of a booster, you should check these 3 things first. Place the child on the seat with their bottom firmly back and fit the seatbelt across the child.

  • Check the belt is running across their shoulder.

  • Check the belt is running low across their hips.

  • Check that their legs bend over the end of the seat.

If you are still unsure, please contact us for further advice.

Children and pets locked in cars

If you have a child or pet locked in a car or vehicle:

  1. Keep calm

  2. Call 13 11 11 immediately. Our roadside team will drop everything else, even if they're already on a job, to get there.

  3. Call 000 for Emergency Services if you have any concerns about the child's health.

Children and pets locked in cars are always our priority. We'll drop everything, even if you're not a member.

Did you know? It's actually easy to do with new locking technology in modern cars.

Tips to avoid locking your children or pets in the car:

  • Wind your windows down before putting them in the car in case the car automatically locks.

  • Never give your keys to children to play with because they can accidentally lock the car.

  • Avoid getting distracted when you're loading and unloading the car.

  • Have an easy way to hold on to your keys.

Bike safety

Children are fearless warriors. So there's every chance they could hurt themselves while riding their bike or scooter. Teach road safety while they are learning to ride. This will help them feel more confident in making better decisions.

It's as easy as ABC!

Make it a regular routine to check the air, brakes and chain before each ride.

  • Make sure there is enough air in the tyres.

  • Test the brakes are in good working order.

  • Check that the chain is attached and not broken.

Safety gear

It's important for children to understand what helps keep them safe. While riding a bike, this means:

  • Wearing bright clothing when riding so they can be seen.

  • Having at least one working bell, or similar warning device to help let others around them know they are close.

  • Wearing a helmet to help keep them safe. This is also the law.

Walking with children

Talking through how to be road safe with your child doesn't need to be hard. And as most of it can be done through doing, you can do it every time you walk.

Stop, Look, Listen & Think

Get your child to stop one step back from the road and look in both directions more than once. Ask them to listen out for any noises they think would make it unsafe to cross a road. This could be cars, sirens, bells from a bicycle or even music. The last step is to get them to think before crossing. This will reduce the chance of them making any last-minute decisions.

The right place to cross
Choose the safest place to cross a road with your child, making sure you can see traffic in every direction. Look for a part of road that is straight or an area with marked crossings, even if you have to walk a bit further.

Holding hands

Children often haven't developed the skills to be able to judge speed and distance. Hold their hand when walking near traffic. This will help them develop these skills safely.

Driveway safety

Do driveways need the same attention as the road? Absolutely! We know children move fast. And they may not think of a driveway as dangerous, especially if it's their own.

Keep some of these simple tips in mind to teach your child about driveway safety:

  • When walking past a driveway, treat it the same as crossing a road. Use Stop, Look, Listen & Think.

  • When backing out of a driveway, don't rely on your parking sensors or reversing camera. Even with these features, large blind spots as far as 3 metres may not be picked up.

  • Make sure you use your mirrors and look over both shoulders before and while reversing.

In and around your car

Use good habits while driving. This will help your child to develop positive behaviours as they get older.

Seat belts and restraints
You have sole responsibility for checking that your passengers are buckled in correctly. Check before driving off, even if you are the one that put the seatbelt on them.

Clear your car
Make sure loose items inside the car can't move as these can cause serious injury in the event of a crash. It's a good idea to provide only soft toys for your child to play with while travelling. Cargo barriers are a great thing to have if you do need to transport loose or heavier items.

Safety door
Try the "safety door" method. The safest way to get in and out of the car is through the "safety door". This is the back passenger door closest to the footpath and furthest away from the traffic.

Child seats

We can fit your car seat or check your fitting.